Do We Have It Too Easy?

In the digital age that we live in today, does it hurt us to be so omniscient? Are we knowing of all... too much? But then again... Isn't it so much better in our age, that we all know so much?

More importantly, are we taking the information we have, for granted?

I wanted to talk about the plethora of information that we humans have at the grasp of our fingertips, and what it all means to my generation, the people who are going to be running the world in just a couple of decades.

Information is all around us, and so many people expect to just have it, especially in my age group (16-18 years). We don't even have to work for this information. It's right there in our pockets, in our smartphones. Even without these small devices, there is an internet location at every school, library, and Starbucks. And many of these places all have computers that are free to access to our hearts desires.

Shouldn't this accomplishment be praised? How can it be thought of negatively?

These accomplishments that the human race has achieved is magnificent. Over 50 years ago, nobody would have thought that such technology that we have now could have existed. We are so complex; so technologically advanced. Because of this, humans think so highly of ourselves now, and with our technology, so many believe that information is supposed to be handed right to them on a silver platter.

This, is what is wrong. We take for granted what so many would have died for 50 years ago.

I'm not denying I don't take it for granted either. When I Google something, I don't think, 'I am so grateful to have this information so readily at my fingertips'. No, I'm too busy trying to prove that my friends are wrong and that the New York Giants did in fact, win Super Bowl XXI.

So, if we all take for granted the information that we have, why should we change? How do we change?

If we continue to expect information to be handed to us, we will lose everything that humanity has striven for in the last few thousands of years. We will eventually forget what it was like to actually work to find information.

This isn't to say drop the internet entirely. Or even to stop using it at all.

I wanted to bring this issue up because I want people to think about what they are actually doing. And how what they are doing, is a miracle. With a single Google search, you are receiving more information than any average library has, in less than one second.

We are so lucky to be in this digital age, with information so readily available. We can find anything we want, at any time. We just need to be a little more grateful about it.

So, next you type in something on Google, just stop. And think for a second, before you carry on your day, about how amazing our world is today.


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